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Illinois Marching Online


  1. News/Job Board

    1. News/Announcements

      Talk about the latest big news in Illinois marching bands or post new news. This will also be where site announcements are posted.

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    2. Job Board/Classifields

      Do you have a position open on your band staff? Are you currently seeking work for the fall season? View all of the latest requests and help wanted ads by entering this area of the forum. Are you looking to sell something? Post it here!

  2. Illinois Band Discussion

    1. Contests/Scores

      Make predictions, talk about results, and complain (nicely!) about the judges

    2. General

      Talk about anything (that is acceptable under our board guidelines). Also, make suggestions on how to improve the boards or our site.

  3. Site/Technical Discussion

    1. Site Comments & Suggestions/Technical Help

      Do you have any ideas for new features you'd like to see on ILmarching.com? Do you have any constructive comments about your recent visits to our site? Use this forum for help with our new forums-guests may post here.

    2. Moderation

      Place to go for Moderator assistance. Use 'Technical Help' for non-moderation issues.

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