Join the ILmarching staff!
Filed under: — Dan Balash @ 8:02 pm

Due to the staff of Illinois Marching Online getting a bit older and not having as much time to update the contents of the site due to jobs and things of that nature, as well as Mark moving out of state, we’re going to open a few positions for the 2012-2013 marching band season.  We will retain the old staff, but we will replenish with a few more additions. Please bear in mind that these positions are volunteer, unpaid positions.

The following are descriptions of each position that will be opening:

Contributor (2-3): Keeps band pages up to date, responsible for data entry for scores and schedules.   In addition, these people will look on YouTube weekly for Illinois bands that performed and add it to our video database.  Also will be expected to vote in staff polls next year.

Moderator (1-2): Checks the forums for inappropriate content so all users may have a pleasant experience while viewing.  You need access to an Internet ready computer, and be able to check the forums every 1-2 days minimum during the season.  You must be an active poster on the forums, and must be a high school graduate.

Writer: Occasionally contributes an article relating to the marching band world or the music world at large.  Did you go to a show and write down your thoughts?  Send it to us!

Do you have an idea that doesn’t fit above that you feel could positively influence the ILmarching community?  Shoot me an email and I’ll consider it.  In addition, if there are any questions on the positions, email me about those as well.

Fill out your application in the embedded document below and the staff will read all of these and make a determination on the future staff of Illinois Marching Online. We will accept applications until August 1, 2012.



-The ILmarching staff


(full article)