Oblong Spooktacular: Oblong, IL - October 25, 2025
Contact Information:Barb Potts Festival WebsiteWeather:
| Details:The Oblong Music Boosters want to invite you to the 24th annual band competition and the largest nighttime parade in the state of Illinois with an average of 10-16 bands for the field competition and about 25-30 for the parade. After the parade, we invite the bands back to the high school for a big dance on the field with a DJ. For a registration form or for more info, please contact Barb Potts at bpotts@oblongschools.net.
Registration link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdrBEtHu0aogc0VzJIwc7rBcSIT4KSkh7UdHJyAJWMM4YfGiQ/viewformBlank Score SheetWant to try to score the bands for this festival yourself? Click here to download a blank score sheet! |
Festival Address: 700 S. Range St., Oblong, IL 62449Performance Schedule:Printer Friendly ScheduleLast Updated On: 01-17-2025