Mark Overholt - AdminMark has been a member of ILMarching since 2004. He became a contributor in 2006 and the lead developer in 2008. He attended Eureka High School from 2002 - 2006, where he played Trumpet in Marching Band, Concert Band, and Basketball Band. After graduation, he went on to Bradley University in Peoria, IL where he majored in Computer Science. He continued to play his trumpet in both the Symphonic Band as well as the Basketball Band. After taking over the development of ILMarching in 2008, he put some of his Computer Science skills to work improving the functionality of the site. He graduated Bradley in 2009 Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science. He is currently attending the University of Illinois, perusing his Masters in CS.You can contact Mark at |