Marching Maroons Band Festival: Robinson, IL - October 03, 2009

Select a year:

Grand Champion: Rich Township

Links: Recaps

Field C:

579.000 Okaw Valley (DM)

572.000 Lawrenceville (Music, Visual, Percussion)

544.000 Oblong (Color Guard)

Field B:

749.000 Richland County (Music, Tie Visual, Percussion, DM, Color Guard)

707.000 Casey-Westfield (Tie Visual)

628.000 Mt. Carmel

Field 1A:

810.000 Rich Township (Visual, DM)

806.000 Marion (Music, Percussion)

790.000 Newton (Color Guard)

Contact Information:

Joe Smith
Festival Website



The Robinson High School Band will be hosting the Marching Maroons Band Festival on October 3, 2009. Judges from the Central State Judging Association will be utilized. There is an optional afternoon Heath Harvest Parade free with no judging.

The festival starts at 4:30; awards are at 8:00.

Ticket prices:
$5 - Adults and Children age 10 and above
$2 - Children 5-9
FREE - Children under 5

Blank Score Sheet

Want to try to score the bands for this festival yourself?
Click here to download a blank score sheet!

Performance Schedule:

Printer Friendly Schedule

Class C
4:30 PM: Lawrenceville
4:45 PM: Okaw Valley
5:00 PM: Oblong

Class B
5:30 PM: Mt. Carmel
5:45 PM: Casey-Westfield
6:00 PM: Marion

Class 1A
6:30 PM: Richland County
6:45 PM: Newton
7:00 PM: Rich Township

7:30 PM: Robinson

8:00 PM: Awards